Monday, December 22, 2014

Last Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Are you running out of time? Did you miss someone on your Christmas list? Do you need a little something that will make your kid's stocking sparkle? Don't worry we have some great suggestions for the readers in your lives.

First I will show you how super easy it is to send an e-book to the one you love in three easy steps.

Step 1 - Find that book your loved one will love!
If you haven't found that book we have some great suggestions later on in the post. Once you find that book on Amazon or the Barnes and Nobles website there should be a link next to where you can purchase the item that allows you to send that ebook as a gift.
Step 2 - Fill in some basic information.
All you have to do is simply fill in the recipients' e-mail, your name and theirs, and write a personal holiday message.
The nice option that Amazon offers is that you can actually print the instructions yourself in place of sending it through an e-mail. This allows you to print the voucher, place it in a Christmas card, or perhaps give it as a white elephant gift.

Step 3 - Place the order.
Press the place your order or submit button and all is done!   

Now for those suggestions I've been hinting at! 

Children's Books
If you have some little ones that you need to shop for here are a couple of suggestions we think they will love!

Our first two are the creations of Fabled Garden Press' own Suzanne Nikolaisen. Beautifully illustrated fun and silly poems to make a kid in your life smile. 

-The Cupcake Tree by Suzanne Nikolaisen 
The sweet and magical cupcake tree, branches loaded with ripe cupcakes, is one of the silly poems in this delightful collection to read with your children. Colorful illustrations of lollipop flowers, cuddly bears, a snowman in the sun, and more highlight the collection. Some poems are pure silliness while others like The Cupcake Tree are simply sweeter. Join the tickety-tockiting clock, razzleberries, the singing roosters, and crickets cricking softly in a book of poems perfect to read at bedtime or on the go. 
You can find it here for Amazon Kindle.

-B is for Bigfoot: An ABC Book of Wonderful Creatures by Suzanne Nikolaisen
This illustrated alphabet of wonderful creatures includes an imaginative crew of memorable fantasy creatures with a dragon, werewolf, robot, mermaid, the kraken, Bigfoot and more. Each cheery illustration shares a colorful letter and visual clues about the creatures and is accompanied by a lighthearted poem with fun rhythm. Explore the ABC’s with these legendary creatures.
You can find it here for Amazon Kindle.

Teen Books

We are working on some teen fiction here at Fabled Garden Press that will hopefully come out in the upcoming year. Until then here is a book that we think you will love from one of our dear friends, M.L.Smith.

-Chrysalis by M.L.Smith 
Alexa Morgan is like most teenage girls. She only gets to use her cell phone for emergencies, she has trouble getting her homework done and she's crushing on the school's bad boy. But Alexa really isn't like any of her high school peers. When she turns eighteen, she will be the most powerful mage in the world. Until then, she has other mages, vampires, werewolves and fairies hunting her. Some of them want to kill her, others want to turn her into a monster. She's in the middle of a war and the winner gets to claim her life.
You can find it here for Amazon Kindle.

Paranormal Fun
Paranormal and fantasy are at the heart of Fabled Garden Press and we think that these selections will have your loved one's spine tingle or let them escape to a fantastical world. Maybe even a bot of both.

-SandShadow by Suzanne Nikolaisen
Michael lives alone in a crowded city where he is haunted by an extraordinary nightmare. He’s made some bad decisions and the woman he loves is halfway across the world. Time is running out to find what’s behind the paralyzing dreams and the presence that comes with them. 

Drawn into an ancient society of watchers who say they know what’s hunting him, he begins to wonder if zombies are real. The answer is coming for him from the desert sands where it has never rested in peace.

You can find it here for Amazon Kindle and here for the Nook. 

-Cora Frost by Matthew Leland Smith
“Come now my pet it's time we get started.”

Cora Frost, the proprietor of a small shop called Eerie East End's, is caught in the middle of a dangerous paranormal game. The year is 1886 and a young girl comes to the oddball shop seeking answers to a recent attack. Nichole Kelly's world has been turned upside down when she's attacked by creature that some have dubbed Spring-Heeled Jack. With her own supernatural gifts, Cora's investigation leads her down a road that includes exorcism, venturing into the memories of a man and being enthralled in a game of wits against a psychic.

You can find it here for Amazon Kindle and here for the Nook.

-Cora Frost: the Gift by Matthew Leland Smith
Some social engagements are simply to die for. 

Moira Dent, a young beautiful heiress, has only one thing that groups her with the lower class; one day she will die. To her luck, a passer-by offers her a gift. With a simple ritual she will be able to raise another as a vampire. Through this pact, she will be able to join the risen vampire in immortality. Moira only needs her closest friends to join her deadly pact, and perhaps a few to be a little midnight snack. 
Under the guise of a dinner party, Moira invites her cousin, Webster Pruitt, to take place in this hideous act. Luckily, Webster has a guardian in the form of his new friend, Cora Frost. Using the magical abilities and expertise she will have to face the horrors Moira Dent has unleashed on her dinner guests. 
Cora must make strange alliances with the deviant vampiric Veronica Bowman, the beautiful and airy actress Irene Adler, and the mysterious kingly Siegfried Richter. Cora and her allies must survive until the morning and the mysterious forces Moira has summoned will be put to an end. Though some things are easier said, than done. 
You can find it here for Amazon Kindle and here for the Nook.

We hope that this gives all of you little elves a couple of ideas, and we thank you in advance for considering making us a part of your holiday this year. From all of us here at Fabled Garden Press we hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy holiday.

Monday, December 15, 2014

B is for Bigfoot - Just in Time for St. Nick!

Before St. Nicholas Arrived
Twas the night before publishing our magical ABC book.
We’d gathered the creatures, we thought we were off the hook.
A crash and a splash, then all was a-clatter.
I sprang from my computer to see what was the matter.

Bigfoot had stepped on the vampire's toe,
who changed to a bat causing a big row. 
The lamp tipped over in a flash when the thunderbird landed.
The sea monster filled up the tub single handed.

I looked at my friend Matt & he shrugged despondently saying,
“Suz, it was a good idea, but look at this mess from their playing!"
“It’ll be okay,” I responded tossing him some sugarplums sweet
and we rounded up creatures, “Wait 'til the kids they get to meet!"

The pages from the friendly book started to glow.
The jinn gave a nod, and the phoenix flew low.
The werewolf jumped in with a side glance and wink,
The kraken made a splash right there in the ink.

One after another they snuggled into their pages,
these wonderful creatures from out of the ages.
Beeps from the robot, a dragony hiss.
This was certainly an ABC book not to miss!

As we prepared to share the book links with you.
We think when you read it you’ll be glad you took kung foo!
Suddenly a cold chill came as the yuki-onna breezed in
and together at last all the creatures settled in.

Creatures with feathers, fur, and fins came quite quick
The howling and hooting—calming down just in time for St. Nick.

Cover for "B is for Bigfoot" by Suzanne Nikolaisen and Matthew Smith, Kindle version.
We're so grateful for the early feedback that kids are already having fun with the book, and are picking out their favorite creatures! We hope the kids in your life enjoy B is for Bigfoot an ABC Book of Wonderful Creatures too! A special thanks to all of you for sharing the book with your kids, family and friends! 

It's been really great to hear the feedback that the kids are enjoying the book!

Suzanne and Matt

*Update: Be sure to sync your Kindle for version 1b a minor edit needed to be made. We're preparing versions for the Nook and iBooks and will release links when these versions are available.

Available on the Kindle at:

Look for news and updates about B is for Bigfoot at:

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

B is for Bigfoot - Countdown

Suz at the Mac laying out the book.
Last winter my foundation drawing teacher in college suggested I do something with my art, like a children's book. I think this drawing of the Princess and the Pea is what may be why she brought it up. Whatever the case, I took her advice and started working on drawings for an alphabet book. 

Pencil drawings for "B is for Bigfoot." See the letter B.
My process started with pencil drawings, traced in ink on a light table. Then I applied color and shading with colored pencils. Once scanned I did a little digital touching up here and there.

We used Prismacolor colored pencils to add color to the ink drawings.
During the summer Matt and I decided to collaborate on our writing and this fall we really started to pour-on-the-coal with "B is for Bigfoot" for release in December. I've spent many lunch breaks at Barbacoa with my sketchbook creating the letters, sharing the table with a bowl of chicken soup and corn chips.

I re-drew my giant robot drawing to include in the book.
Read "B is for Banana Bread (and Bigfoot)" a snapshot from October when I was working on
the cover drawing. I posted some pics along with my favorite banana bread recipe.
Applying colored pencil to the ink cover drawing of the sunflower that frames the ABC's.
It was nice to have Matt help me with the poems with his cracker-jack writing skills! (if you haven't read his Cora Frost novellas, I hope you'll look them up! They're spine-tingling, spooky, and an interesting spin on the late 1800s and spiritualism. Read more about the series. You can read Cora Frost: The Fasting Spider for free on the Kindle and Nook.) Matt's also been helping as colorist on some of the illustrations. (Check out what he did with "W is for Werewolf" for example, it turned out really cute!)

The cover work in progress.
The last letters have been scanned and the book is in it's final edit. The eBook will be published to Kindle and Nook later this week. Fabled Garden Press is a small digital press that's very grass roots. We hope you'll share B is for Bigfoot with your friends and help us get the word out!

Most of all we hope that this book will help share worldwide myths and legends with children at an early age and open a conversation about the creatures, the cultures they come from in a fun and colorful way!

B is for Bigfoot will make a great eGift that you can always have with you on your mobile phone or mobile device. Read it at bedtime, on-the-go, even when you're out camping next summer!

Take care, Suz